The Art of the Walk – European Style

Outside Picasso Museum, Barcelona, Spain

I am in a wanderlust mood, so have been looking at photos from past adventures.  It appears that  I have been spending a lot of time, and walking a lot of miles in foreign lands.  With my Fitbit (high tech pedometer) on my wrist, I have explored Austria, Germany, France, Italy and Spain.  Last year, my Fitbit logged an impressive 73 miles walked over the course of  a 17 day vacation.  I was quite proud of myself as I met or exceeded my 10,000 steps a day goal for 12 of these 17 days.  Go Team Mimi!

And, as I like to walk with a camera, when I find art, I capture the image for my collection.   Europe is the mecca for public (and private) art.

So much art to see…so much variety…so many styles…so little time.  Here are some of my favorite examples of modern art in not-so-modern places:


Park Art-Vienna ,Austria
An interesting modern fountain in Mondsee, Austria
On a ship on the river Danube
Jewelry store in Vienna, robots on patrol
Man on a golden globe, in Salzburg, Austria
Modern Wood Sculpture, Salzburg, Austria
Jewelry store in Vienna
A handy place to sit in Linz, Austria
Linz, Austria


Walking Man sculpture, Munich Germany
The scale is amazing, Munich Germany
Walking around Munich, Germany
Olympic Village splendor, Munich Germany
Munich Metal Structure
The art of beer making. Brewery inAbensberg, Germany
Beautiful railing in Beer World
Mae West Sculpture in Munich
Downtown Munich
Heiligeistkirche, Munich, Germany


Louvre Gift Shop, Paris, France
Beautiful woman, Paris
A modern woman, Paris, France
The glass pyramid, Lourve, Paris


Juxtaposition in Vicenza
Picasso inspired blue glass figurines in Venice
Baby panda sitting, Venice
Baby panda reclining, Venice
In the heart of Verona
Blue Elephant store front, Asiago
Small art on display in Vicenza
Golden globe at the Vatican
Bronze horse sculpture among the ruins, Vicenza
Bronze nudes amidst the ruins
Crown of thorns in a cathedral, Vicenza
Skeleton and Mask, Venice
Brass horse and rider, Venice


Harry Moore collection, Malaga, Spain
Modern sculpture in Malaga, Spain
Arches in Seville
A face? 2 faces? A blob? Malaga, Spain
Harry Moore sculpture on the streets of Malaga, Spain
La Pedrera - Casa Milà, Barcelona, Spain
Spotted on the streets of Barcelona
Recycle art, Grenada, Spain
A bird in the hand - Malaga, Spain
Monastery, Montserrat, Spain
Harry Moore collection, Malaga, Spain
Floor art at Familia Sagrada, Barcelona
Outside Picasso Museum, Barcelona, Spain
Glass box sculpture -Malaga, Spain


Spotting any art in your travels?  Post them here.


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Mimi: ...recovering business owner, beginning lifestyle contemplater, advanced family supporter, reluctant homemaker, non-retiring under-utilized healthcare professional, wanna-be globe trotter, former Candy Crush junkie, anti-ageism activist apprentice, revitalized right-sizer, and ellipsis enthusiast…